Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Egberta's Equations & Math Centers with shapes!

Some students have started using Egberta's Equations. This app was already available on all of the iPods and is great for all ages. In kindergarten, we have only been using addition and subtraction on the "easy" level for "beginners". When I use this app with my tutoring student (a 4th grader) we've played all of the equation types (adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing) as well as using the timed feature, and it is hard, fun but hard! :)



On Wednesday's we have an hour of math centers. The students rotate in groups for 4-5 through four math related centers. This week, my goal was to use the iPods as a center using the shapes app. I am so very proud to say it worked very well! The students loved having more iPod time. I used the Shapes app by Toddler Teaser (mentioned last week). The students had about 10-12 minutes to play the game as well as, select the corresponding shape (wooden patterns) from the manipulatives provided. After the students obtained a variety of shapes and colors, they were asked to make a pattern using the manipulatives and explain their pattern to a teacher. It sounds like a lot of work but I wanted to include concrete shapes for a more hands-on visual representation of the shape and to create conversations about the characteristics of shapes. I believe this is an excellent use of the iPods in an academic setting.

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