Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Same Meaning Magic!

I have been working with a fourth grader twice a week since September. Mainly I've been focusing on reading comprehension, vocabulary, and spelling patterns, but we've integrated science and social studies into our reading. 

For two week now, we spend the last 8-10 minutes of our sessions playing Same Meaning Magic. This game is beneficial for my student by expanding on his vocabulary, assisting with antonyms and synonyms. There are five different grade levels (2nd-6th) available and games can be timed and untimed. I prefer to choose untimed and allow the child to pick the level. The student is given a sentence with one word bolded and italicized with 4 multiple choice options. The object of the game is to find the correct word (synonym) and drag it to the well, each correct answer is worth 10 cents. At the end of each level (approximately 11-12 questions) a score report appears. Since I use this time as a teaching moment, we have only reached level 2, I am uncertain what happens after level 2. 

Last week, I had my student write the words in his tutoring notebook. For example, he has sniffs and smells; large and big; believes and trusts; gives and donates in his notebook. At the beginning of this week, we went back to those words and looked for patterns within the words listed to make a concept sort. This was very interesting to see his thought process on how the words relate to each other. My student also like to draw, so I am allowing him to draw pictures for 2 words each session.

Next week, I plan to use math apps to strengthen his multiplication and division, just in time for the SOL testing!

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