Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Final EDET Assignment

As the semester comes to an end next week, I have one more requirement to fulfill for my educational technology course. I need to increase the popularity of blog by choosing two strategies that my peers have utilized and have been successful.

The first strategy I chose to implement was posting my URL on the Classroom 2.0 site because it seemed logical and appropriate. If you haven't checked out Classroom 2.0 you are behind the times my friend. This website offers endless advice, resources and great technological ideas to  practice in schools with students of all ages. The best part is this information is coming from other educators who have tried it out.... think of Classroom 2.0 as Facebook for Educators.  I searched for iPod Touches and came across a discussion started just a few days ago on April 21, 2011 asking, "What are some ways of using iPod Touches in the classroom?" Jackpot! That is exactly what my blog is all about... using iPod Touches with kindergarteners. If I can implement these devices in a classroom filled with 5- and 6-year-olds than anyone one can adapt these devices to meet their learners. 

The second strategy I chose to try out was adding my URL to the signature of my emails. I currently have two emails one being for work and the other is for school, so I chose to only include it on my college email. A few of my college professors have commented (through email not on my blog!) about how wonderful it is to share such great resources with everyone! In time I would like to follow other bloggers in hopes they will follow my site in return. I will look into this strategy in the coming months. 

Lastly, as an educator, it has been a real joy blogging about the successes I have had in kindergarten using the iPod Touches.  A little less than three months ago, I wasn't familiar with the iTouches and was unsure how this project was going to play out. All 36 children have had some experience with these hand-held device playing all sorts of "games" focusing on reading, writing, word recognition, handwriting, numbers, shapes, telling time to the hour, addition and subtraction and more. I plan to continue blogging about various ways to use iPod Touches across all grade levels and ages. These devices are very easy to use and the children have a ball with them!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Coloring and Stories!

The students continue to work on letters and writing using the iPods. This past week, some of the children had a chance with a "Coloring" app. I believe this app was free but any of them will do. It provides different coloring pages and paint options for the students to "color". 

Can you figure out what they are saying?

Pictures can be saved which would allow students to work on their stories for several days. At first, I planned for the students to just have a free time with the iPods, but when I asked them about their drawings they had so much to say, it had to be recorded on paper! Teachers could also assess student knowledge of colors, animals, places, nature and more.